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Book by Course

Diabetes and You (Face to Face course)

Diabetes and You is a free course for adults newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, delivered with your local GP practice and led by trained diabetes educators who will make you feel welcome. The course will help you to learn about diabetes and help you feel more confident about managing your diabetes. We will talk about diabetes and glucose, medication, food and healthy lifestyle choices and where to get help and support.

Diabetes and You (Virtual course)

We also run our Diabetes and You courses remotely to offer an alternative for those who cannot see us in person. We will cover the same information delivered by one of our experienced Diabetes Educators, but the course will be delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams. The course will help you to learn about diabetes and help you feel more confident about managing your diabetes. We will talk about diabetes and glucose, medication, food and healthy lifestyle choices and where to get help and support. 

Diabetes in the Young (Virtual course)

The Type 2 Diabetes in the Young course is available for people living with early onset type 2 diabetes (18–39-year-olds). The course covers the same content as our standard Diabetes and You course, with extra information about the risks and possible complications of having early onset type 2 diabetes as well as information about preconception and pregnancy.  The course will help you to learn about diabetes and help you feel more confident about managing your diabetes. The sessions will be held virtually via Microsoft teams. (A separate hour long preconception webinar will also be on offer post course). 

Diabetes and You (Refresher course)

A 2-hour session offered as a virtual annual refresher. This course is for people who are living with type 2 diabetes and may have attended the Diabetes and You course or another diabetes education course previously, but would like to attend a refresher course to have a recap on healthy lifestyle support to manage type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes in the Young

The Type 2 Diabetes in the Young course is available for people living with early onset type 2 diabetes (18–39-year-olds).



Browse Course at my GP Surgery

Please select your GP Surgery from the list below. You will then be redirected to the PCN responsible for delivering courses at your GP Surgery.